Saturday, May 16, 2020

United Equality The Failures of the United Nations...

After World War I, the victorious Allied nations made many changes in the world. In addition to the punishments Germany received, a peace-keeping organization called the League of Nations was created. Unfortunately, the League failed. Then, after World War II, the Allies created a new organization called the United Nations. The United Nations or UN, for short, by and large was successful and is still in operation today. The UN has a set of guidelines meant to be applied in every area of the world; one of which is the policy of human rights, created in 1948. The United Nations’ set of human rights values should be in place in every nation in the world. Unfortunately, women in Islamic countries such as Iran and Indonesia are violations of†¦show more content†¦In conclusion, the conditions for women in some Islamic countries violate the freedom of self-esteem and human rights entitled to them by the law set down by the United Nations. The second human rights policy that should be in place in all areas of the world is equality in government. This includes all aspects of government, including participation in office, suffrage, and the ability to oppose existent oppressing laws (CEDAW 3). The United Nations put this law in place as a way to limit the abuse of women in government. Also, although the laws are not perfect for every country, they are basic guidelines meant to protect the oppressed. When a country doesn’t give its citizens freedom, it is at risk for a revolt. Equality in government includes equality in the name of the law. It is a problem, if like in the wall, a mob can easily try to kill someone and get away with it. Mobs can get heat up, get out of hand and result in violence and potentially a rebellion. Women disrespected by governments lead to successful As a result of the male run society, women often are held back from excelling and thriving in Islamic society. The United Nations states that any restriction made on the basis of gender is considered inequity (CEDAW 6). The mandatory donning of the hijab is discrimination by gender as onlyShow MoreRelatedThe United Nations : An Effective Mechanism Of Civilian Protection1653 Words   |  7 PagesThe United Nations is acknowledged as an organization that is tasked with protecting civilians and ensures that international peace is maintained. The articles being discussed in this essay speak about the different ways justice adheres to society through the United Nations. The lead article, United Nations Peacekeeping and Civilian Protection in War, contemplates on the challenges the UN encounters which results in many failures and successes (as mentioned in the article). 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